Grupul Scolar "Ion Holban" Iasi
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Kinetotherapy room
Kinetotherapy room
About us

Founded in 1973, “Ion Holban” School institutionalizes children with physical and associated deficiencies all over the country in all forms of pre - university education: elementary, secondary, high-school and vocational. The children attend courses according to the National Public Education Curriculum.

The registration in our school is supervised by an Evaluation Committee subordinated to the County Council of Iasi. According to the law the children selected and registered in our school benefit from free housing, meals, equipment, medical treatment during the years of study (the expenses are supported by the General Direction for the Protection of Children’s Rights, Iasi)

After graduating primary and secondary school pupils can chose to attend either high – school or vocational courses. Our high – school offers the following specializations: phylological/theoretical or economics (finance – accountancy) while the vocational school certifies children with special needs in the following specializations: ready-made clothes, knit – wear, weaving, tapestry, gastronomy and pastry.

Our material resources are based on 38 classrooms, 13 workrooms, psychology, social-work and kineto-therapy rooms, library, gym. Still these material resources are not as up-to-date as to meet all the requirements a special education school implies. During the years we developed a strategy to overcome this lack of finance, strategy which consists in organizing sale-exhibitions with products manufactured by our own children. Unfortunately our problem persists and we put our hopes in developing close co-operations with other schools and organizations worldwide.

At “Ion Holban” School we work to provide the best care and education that expertise, technology and experience can offer. Our goal is for children and young adults to become as independent as possible, more self-sufficient and empowered, and better able to exercise some control over their own lives, and to function productively and happily as integral members of their families and the larger community.

Classrooms are decorated simply, taking care not to provide a setting that is over or under-stimulating in order to meet a variety of student needs. Work areas are available for group activities as well as spaces for individual work. Quiet places are provided for those students who need few distractions.

Instruction takes place in large and small group settings as well as individually. The teacher, with feedback from the students, plans study topics. Cooperative learning situations in which the students learn and work collaboratively in groups are utilized when appropriate. Teachers encourage the learning that needs to take place in order for students to acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills.

Therapy programs are interwoven with everyday activity at “ION HOLBAN” School. All residents receive extensive therapy from certified therapists who work closely with teachers, with the medical staff, psychologists and social workers.
Therapists meet regularly on a formal basis with educators and medical staff to monitor each child's progress and evaluate potential needs. Informal discussion is ongoing throughout the year to ensure that therapies are crossing over into all environments to maximize each student's success.

We nurture individuals with physical, mental and health impairments through creative combinations of special education and training, therapy, supportive medical care and, above all else, the unconditional love, understanding and sense of belonging every child longs for and deserves.  We believe that educating with an appreciation for individual differences and individual interests is at the heart of instilling self-esteem in children. With a strong sense of self, they will continue to press toward academic excellence and creative enlightment.

We believe that all people, no matter how severe their disabilities, should be given the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential.

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